Here’s something you might not have thought of: you’re bumper-to-bumper on the 101, ruminating on the great questions of life. You are thinking about the essence of your very existence, when suddenly there is another thought. Did I starve my car insurance to read this? Oh, the Golden State. Sun, palmtrees-andthe insurance math of gun thank would put a CPA in the hospital. That’s important. Nobody’s going to have a fender-bender wards coming senoritas unescorted.
Now to the fine print. California is fine print. It’s like a film director who won’t stop until he gets everything shot perfectly. In order to be street-legal you are required to have $15,000 for bodily injury per person. Two people are involved? $30,000. And for property damage let’s not forget $5,000. You need more than pocket change there’s no doubt!
“Why are the premiums so high?” you wonder. Let’s talk about Dave’s Dilemma. Dave, a friend of mine who has a love-hate relationship with that rusty VW bus he drives around in, had a “panic point.” One day, crack! His bus had smeared a shiny Rolls-Royce an inch thick with muck. Pretty scary, huh? How happy Dave was to find that his insurance figures matched andstood the test! Phantom You’re ahead if you don’t have to spelunk while sleeping.
Granted such hard-and-fast figures seem like highway robbery. But they’re not the whole road. There’s something more to be gained from all of these basics—a wide range of possibilities. I’m waiting in line at the DMV for an auto insurance know-it-all. Getting a larger policy is like getting a new wardrobe. Take it and make it yours, just like that tattered T-shirt of your favorite band.
Still, there’s a large gap between seeking out better coverage and finding it with a reasonable premium. It’s like looking for a gold needle in a hay stack too much? Your wallet weeps. too little? Your life savings could go off like a bomb. This is no easy task, threading such a needle as it is.
Don’t forget uninsured motorist coverage. It’s a wise decison. What if the other guy’s just driving on prayers? The world is an unruly place, like a lonely child in a crowd of adults. You could see it as a safety net that sags a little when walking the tightrope of life.
Therefore when you find yourself trapped in Cali traffic and your mind starts to roam don’t meander too far afield than thinking which insurance policy might fit like an old shoe. That perfect blend of coverage and cost could be what you need to roll on with peace of mind.