Do you ever wonder why the second you shake that bag of cat treats arrives. Whether magic radar or nature editor, these animals can always respond to one thing food and that’s when you become a very popular human.The small bits couldn’t possibly be just snacks – besides that, these tiny processed sacks of well-being can transform even the most aloof tabby into a purring furball longing for a cuddle on his owner’s lap.But exactly what is in a cat treat that puts such a spell on your furry friend? Read more now on Organic dog food.
Cats all have their own tastes, especially in treats. Every kind from crunchy to soft carries one special enjoyment. You might wander amid aisles filled with choices, perhaps punctuated by a meow of pure delight–or disgust. It’s like working out a crossword puzzle when you must think about your pet’s needs and give top priority to things like “all natural” and “high protein.”
Here’s the catch: Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they have no choice but to rely on meat for their nutrition. So when choosing those delicious tidbits for your cat, try to select ones that take this fact into account. After all, just because something is pushed heavily through advertising doesn’t mean it’ll automatically be successful among our feline friends. Cat tastes vary widely and what one finds delicious others won’t touch. There is no substitute for trial and error.
But taste isn’t the only consideration. Treats can also be of crucial importance to your cat’s health or even training. Some are brimming with vitamins, minerals and dental aids– buy one get one free! These treats stand in flat contradiction to the traditional view on felines, which refuses a catechist of even a single circus trick. But anyone who has ever trained a cat knows that if you time your rewards properly even the most inflexible personality will give in.
At this point, patience is the only choice left open to you. Cats are as varied as snowflakes. One might scorn a salmon treat while another rates it number one on his list. Please keep in mind: once your feline friend gets a taste of something, he’ll be looking for lagniappe afterwards!?
Choosing from among the maze of cat treats can be as confounding for an uninitiated buyer as, well, herding cats. With some curiosity and the advice of cats, you will turn into a master chef. In no time at all, your feline will be hauling around behind you and asking for another taste of that crispy, wonderful stuff. Thus we have it: a crumb here, a purr there. And in this way are both rewards earned. Don’t you feel glad you unraveled this treat riddle?